Registrations for our 2019 annual winter wedding expo held August 25 are open!
Spaces will be allocated only upon full payment of exhibition fees. We are accepting limited numbers in each category and apologise in advance if we are unable to accept your registration.
Terms and Conditions – click here
MCOC Members: Book your 2019 A Village Wedding Expo stand and we will include your Montville Chamber of Commerce membership for the 2019/20 year.
Non-Members: if you wish to join, download the membership application form here – Word doc
Early-birds: Register before 31st July $300; Please add $25 if you require electricity on the day. *Members who have paid their 2019/2020 MCOC Membership, the expo fee will be $175.
Register after 31st July: $400. ( Financial MCOC members who have renewed for 2019/20: $275) Please add $25 if you require electricity on the day.
Hinterland Venues and Accommodation businesses that are unable to attend but wish to be on the map and AVWE website – Montville COC Member $100- Non Members $150. Map Only: Members $50 Non Members $70.
Note: Montville COC Members who are not exhibitors may have Business cards or brochures placed on display at the registration desk at no charge.
![Business Registration - Business Registration -](https://www.avillagewedding.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Flora-Flowers-2-1_165f54b9624ee2e170f1e909a85bfc26.png)